Monday, February 1, 2010

I forgot my password - just got it reset today

I hate passwords. Everything seems to need a different sort of password, some need to be 6 characters, some 8, some need letters and numbers, some need symbols.

Anything with more than 6 characters, symbols or numbers I will automatically forget.

I know passwords are useful, as a person who's been hacked before because my password was to easy to guess I had to start making more difficult to guess passwords. Problem is that they are too difficult for me to remember. Lolz.

I might start blogging again. I don't think I need to do an Adam blog any more. Adam is all over the web, so easy to find info on him, mine is just another one of many, and others have more time to update properly. So if I add to this blog it will be just my thoughts and eccentricities. And about fashion and makeup - my passions!

I know I promised a makeup tutorial. Except I don't know how to use my new video camera, we have very bad lighting here in winter so it is not easy to see what I'm doing. Plus I don't know how to download the I've let that go for now. Sorry.

Everything here is going good. Business is slow, but that is to be expected this time of year.

The boy and I are going to see MUSE in Seattle April 2nd. Should be a great time.
He actually won tickets to see ADAM and the others in NYC February 12th - but we still haven't heard back as to if the tickets are valid or not since we live in Canada - most likely not, if they are valid we're going to NYC!!! If not...well, it was a nice dream - maybe another time. Hopefully they let us know before flights get too expensive, if you don't book ahead it is outrageously costly.

The boy is also into fashion even more than before - if that is possible. He's into makeup now too, I bought him his own kit - all MAC products. He looks fantastic.

Here's a few pictures of him.

And one of me, taken on NYE - I took it myself so that's why my shoulder is weird in the photo.

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