Thursday, October 29, 2009


So it appears that the controversial album cover didn't hinder sales - just the opposite, sales have skyrocketed!!!

Number one and rising!!!

In the "movers & shakers" category Adam's album has increased in sales by 700% since yesterday - WOWZA!!!

I guess Adam knew what he was doing.

From his twitter yesterday:
(thanks Tink for the reminder!)

Adam Lambert takes to Twitter to respond to the response to his album cover:

“Thank you to those who appreciate and understand that the album cover is deliberately campy. It’s an omage [sic] to the past. It IS ridiculous. For those that don’t get it: oh well… Glad to have gotten your attention. androgyny. Rock n Roll.”

He's even beating MJ's "This is it" - shocking really, since the movie opened in theaters worldwide yesterday!

The Adam Storm is building into an unstoppable force!

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