Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Can we say "CONTROVERSIAL"?????

We knew Adam wasn't going to be playing it safe, that he was gonna have leather and chains, that he was gonna entertain us with an OTT performance, but MAN oh MAN did he ever pull out all the stops!!!

I thought it was awesome. The sound quality was crap, BUT...at least Adam performed it live and real, not like so many others who lip-sync or have their voices worked through the Auto-Tune. Nope, Adam was loud and proud and real - and a bit pitchy, but hey, it's hard to sing when you're dragging around men on leashes, grabbing people's heads and body parts, tripping on a scaffold and doing an impromptu Ninja roll and planting a wet one on the keyboard player! LOL!

Yes, he did trip. It wasn't supposed to happen, but he pulled himself out of it like a pro.

Yes, he did grab a blindfolded dancer and do a crotch - to - face gyrate.

Yes, he did fondle the pole dancer's nether regions.

Yes, he did plant one on Tommy Joe, his STRAIGHT keyboardist/bass player - just for the heck of it!

WILD? Oh yeah. CRAZY? Hell yeah. OVER THE TOP AND BACK AGAIN? Frick yeah.

That's Rock & Roll, baby!

(and if you don't agree with me that's cool too, it's not for everyone, if you were offended Adam didn't mean to offend (he said this in an interview after the performance) and everyone has a right to their opinion.)

Want pictures????

The "finger" was NOT directed towards the audience or his fans, it was mainly directed to Aaron Hicklin, editor of OUT magazine who was whining after Adam did their interview and cover about how Adam is being controlled by his management and not able to make his own decisions and is a pawn in the AI game. Hah - showed that doofus that there wasn't a shred of truth to THAT bit of BS! It was not shown on TV, Adam only did that after the cameras were off.

And then, ABC, who broadcasts the AMA's, abruptly canceled Adam's Wednesday performance on GMA. Yes, the show was racy, but he performed at nearly 11pm - not during the family broadcast hours. And Janet Jackson, Lady Gaga and JLo did a lot of thrusting and crotch grabbing - yet that was ok. In previous years when Madonna passionately kissed Brittney that was ok. When MJ grabbed himself and practically jerked off on stage that was ok. Double standard? Oh yeah.

I'm pretty passionate about people being able to do their own thing without being banned, censored or blocked as long as what "their thing" was is not harmful to anyone. What ABC did to Adam when they abruptly canceled his appearance on GMA was wrong. Everyone is saying it was wrong. Even conservatives like Bill O'Reiley and the Parent's Television Council agree that it was WRONG to ban Adam from GMA. He didn't purposely go out to offend anyone, he was just being PASSIONATE and HAVING FUN with his performance. ABC didn't even bother to talk to Adam, his fans or THE PUBLIC before banning him and canceling his performance, he was just informed that he was canceled. And that he was unsuitable. That they were afraid that he might do something offensive on morning television. They feel he's a loose cannon and a trouble maker. I wanna cry. For real.

Adam takes a LOT of abuse, has for most of his life, about being different. Why are some people so gawd damned afraid of anyone who's different? Why do people who don't fit the mold of "average" get scorned? Ya know, when a person gets blasted over and over again for not fitting into the box that they're supposed to be in it sometimes makes them want to stand up for themselves a bit. To say "hey, I'm still a human being, I'm still valid, I still matter, I still count - and damn it, I'm a nice person if you'd just give me a blasted chance.

Thank god CBS saw through everything and said "hey, we know you're different, but we LIKE different - we ACCEPT you - welcome aboard - we WANT you!

That made me feel better.

End of rant. I haven't ranted in a couple of months. Sometimes it feels good to get things out. Yeah, I'm different too. I don't fit in the box. LOL.


  1. Love the rant. I agree with it all!! I wish his sound was better on his performance but like you said it was live unlike most people who lip sync and are doing dance routines.

  2. THANK YOU for agreeing with my rant - and for being AWESOME and "getting me". Not everyone does, but you do, and I ♥ you for it!

    Even Adam says he kinda cringed when he heard his voice the next day on the video - NOT his best by a long shot, but yeah, at least it was real!
