Thursday, November 26, 2009

For SHAME, ABC!!!!

ABC hosts Chris Brown after canceling Adam Lambert!

Apparently domestic violence is okay with ABC, but a gay kiss? No way.
Just days after canceling Adam Lambert's scheduled appearance on Good Morning America, the ABC show announced it will host Chris Brown for an interview and performance next week.

ABC canceled Lambert's interview following his performance at the American Music Awards last weekend. The network said it was uncomfortable with Lambert's performance, which featured a gay kiss and some face/body grinding with a male backup dancer.

Brown was recently convicted of assaulting his then-girlfriend, singer Rihanna, in an attack earlier this year. He was sentenced to five years of probation and 1,400 hours of community service.

An ABC rep tried to deflect criticism, saying that Brown was booked before Lambert's AMA performance. But really -- that's a weak excuse. An early booking didn't stop them from canceling on Lambert. ABC should step up and admit what was really at play when they ditched Lambert: homophobia.

My response to ABC - and all the narrow minded ignorant people in this world:

If you find the song offensive just comment and I will remove it. I forget sometimes that things that I find humorous may be offensive to others, so if I have offended by posting this please let me know, my intention is not to offend.

1 comment:

  1. I guess ABC cancelled Chris Brown's performance but I think they are still doing the interview. I bet they had a lot of backlash with Adam's fans about it and maybe that is why they cancelled his performance????
