Thursday, November 26, 2009

NY Times, CNN, others DEFENDING Adam Lambert :-)

TONS of prominent media publications are singing Adam's praises and agreeing that there is a double standard whereby things that are titillating and permitted by straight men or straight/bi females are accepted, yet the same thing done by a gay man is horrendous, obscene and outrageous.

Thankfully most people in the media are intelligent enough to realize that ABC made a very stupid move by banning Adam from GMA and possibly even the network (yeah, can you believe it!?!!?) for doing things that they have others doing all the time. ABC airs a show called Cougar Town in which Courtney Cox performs fellatio on her son's friend. Of course the act is not shown, but she states what she's about to do - and just as she gets started on the boy her son is shown walking in on it. But...THAT'S OK - THAT'S HOT - and Adam kissing a guy and thrusting for a second his clothed lower belly (it was NOT his groin, I have gifs - of course I do - you know how I love my gifs!) into a dancer's face is disgusting and worthy of banning and condemnation.

Here are the NYT and CNN articles:

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