Tuesday, November 24, 2009


So did you buy it yet?????

I bought it on iTunes, the deluxe version which includes 2 bonus songs PLUS lots of video interviews. Also bought the CD at HMV.

But I am CRYING because in Canada we can't buy the COLLECTORS EDITION which includes a hard cover book of BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS of Adam - and the text is in AMARETTO SCENTED INK!!!

I need this - but only USA residents can buy it. :-(

Anyone want to help me out? I can credit your Visa or Mastercard for the amount through my company merchant account PLUS give you $20.00 for your troubles. (gets on knees and begs) :-P

Wanna see some pics? Of COURSE you do!!!!! Here are a few from the USA only COLLECTORS EDITION (minus the Amaretto scented ink, that doesn't travel through computers, sadly)


  1. I can help you out Ana. Where can I purchase that deluxe addition set? Give me all the info and I will see what I can do. I also want a set for myself. I have been having computer issues and I am not on my regular PC but on a new lap top that I bought and I haven't put in Itunes yet.

  2. Ana.. Email me and we can work something out. I just ordered one for me. Why don't you order it on your computer so you get the four free downloads and put my mailing address down and then I will mail it to you and you can reimburse me the shipping. You can give me a call and we can discuss it further. Email me and I will send you my number. Remember I use a new email address now because the other one I cannot access on my other computers.

  3. Will do when I get a chance - THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!!! ♥♥♥♥

    I will give you $20 for shipping and handling - shipping should cost about $3, but I appreciate it soooo much I want to give you more!!!

  4. I emailed you, hopefully we can get this done before Monday so it will count for first week sales! Thank you so much!
