Thursday, November 5, 2009


Adam Lambert: I'm "Cool" Being Single

from Us Magazine online Tuesday November 4th

Three days after Us Magazine reported that the American Idol runner-up, 27, split from interior designer boyfriend Drake LaBry, 24, he told Us he's "cool" being single.
In fact, when his debut album, For Your Entertainment, comes out on Nov. 23, he plans to promote not only his music, but also himself. "I will date on tour," Lambert told Us at the 2012 premiere in L.A. Tuesday.

The singer told Us he is looking for someone who is "intelligent" and has "creativity and compassion."

Still, he has no ill will for his ex, whom he still says is a "very good friend" after their mutual decision to end the relationship.
"I don't really feel like there were any mistakes made," he told Us. "I feel like things evolved. Sometimes you're on the same page with somebody, and sometimes you have to get off that page and on to another one."

A source told Us that the split was all to do with timing.
"Adam is crazy busy right now getting the album done and squeezing in rehearsals," the source told Us. "They both felt this moment is too important for Adam to focus on anything else but getting this album out and having it be a huge hit."


  1. It looks like you got a spammer. My hubby told me he heard that on the radio a few days ago. I guess he can concentrate on his music more now. I am definately going to see him in concert when he goes on tour. :)

  2. Damn spammers! Don't know why people bother to do that, is just annoying and no one would ever buy their stuff when it's spammed like that!

    Yeah, I heard it before too, but didn't want to post it until Adam had confirmed it himself. So many rumors around.

    I'm thinking he might tour in February. I'm going for sure - even if I have to fly to the States! Andrew's wanting to go too - and is insisting on front row seats - when I told him they might be $500 a piece he said "yeah mom, but it's ADAM so it's worth it!!" Nice to have my boy as a fan too!
