Thursday, December 3, 2009

Natural Beauty


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Makeup Tutorials Coming after Dec 10th

I'm going to Seattle next weekend and after that will be working on making the makeup tutorials. I will be doing SMOKEY EYES, GLAM EYES, FOUNDATION & CONTOURING, ALL-DAY LIPSTICK and VOLUMIZING HAIR. Figured I better get these up before Christmas! Also I have a new tip to take 10 years off your look. Stumbled upon it accidentally. I didn't notice but my son and all my staff commented that I looked instantly 10 years younger - so I guess it works! If there are any other beauty or fashion questions you have please let me know. No one that reads this has a problem with weight (except for me!) so we won't need to talk about how to look slimmer, but anything else, if I don't know it I'll find out! I spent 15 years in the fashion industry (modeling and working for model agencies) in my teens & 20's so I do have some good tips!



And the colors match my blog colors. Random, I know. Lol. (still swooning over Adam's performance!)


Can't WAIT to see him on Ellen! She's so cool, I'm sure it's going to be a great show!!! Not sure what time it's on in other places, but for me it airs at 11am.

Marisa Miller, Victoria's Secret Model, will also be on - love her too! She's going to be wearing a $1,000.000.00 diamond bra!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Barbara Walters Most Fascinating People 2009

But but but...its on ABC?!?!?!?

Ok, so Adam isn't worthy of being on GMA, but when one of ABC's POWERFUL ONES (Barbara has got to have a lot of power at ABC, she's an ICON in America!) says that Adam is on...then Adam is on!

Barbara defended Adam on THE VIEW (as did Whoopi Goldberg) when people (especially the nutjob known as Elisabeth Hasselback) were dumping on him. Barbara and Whoopi LOVE Adam - yep, the smart ones do!!!!

For SHAME, ABC!!!!

ABC hosts Chris Brown after canceling Adam Lambert!

Apparently domestic violence is okay with ABC, but a gay kiss? No way.
Just days after canceling Adam Lambert's scheduled appearance on Good Morning America, the ABC show announced it will host Chris Brown for an interview and performance next week.

ABC canceled Lambert's interview following his performance at the American Music Awards last weekend. The network said it was uncomfortable with Lambert's performance, which featured a gay kiss and some face/body grinding with a male backup dancer.

Brown was recently convicted of assaulting his then-girlfriend, singer Rihanna, in an attack earlier this year. He was sentenced to five years of probation and 1,400 hours of community service.

An ABC rep tried to deflect criticism, saying that Brown was booked before Lambert's AMA performance. But really -- that's a weak excuse. An early booking didn't stop them from canceling on Lambert. ABC should step up and admit what was really at play when they ditched Lambert: homophobia.

My response to ABC - and all the narrow minded ignorant people in this world:

If you find the song offensive just comment and I will remove it. I forget sometimes that things that I find humorous may be offensive to others, so if I have offended by posting this please let me know, my intention is not to offend.

NY Times, CNN, others DEFENDING Adam Lambert :-)

TONS of prominent media publications are singing Adam's praises and agreeing that there is a double standard whereby things that are titillating and permitted by straight men or straight/bi females are accepted, yet the same thing done by a gay man is horrendous, obscene and outrageous.

Thankfully most people in the media are intelligent enough to realize that ABC made a very stupid move by banning Adam from GMA and possibly even the network (yeah, can you believe it!?!!?) for doing things that they have others doing all the time. ABC airs a show called Cougar Town in which Courtney Cox performs fellatio on her son's friend. Of course the act is not shown, but she states what she's about to do - and just as she gets started on the boy her son is shown walking in on it. But...THAT'S OK - THAT'S HOT - and Adam kissing a guy and thrusting for a second his clothed lower belly (it was NOT his groin, I have gifs - of course I do - you know how I love my gifs!) into a dancer's face is disgusting and worthy of banning and condemnation.

Here are the NYT and CNN articles:

TWO PERFORMANCE VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MUSIC AGAIN (from the CBS Early Show November 25 2009)

WHATAYA WANT FROM ME (from the David Letterman Show November 25 2009)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Wednesday November 25th Adam will be on THE EARLY SHOW on CBS. Not sure what time it airs, I'm assuming "early" - lol! He'll be performing Whataya Want From Me and being interviewed. Kudos to CBS for not being too "skerd" to have Adam on. ABC missed their chance to mega ratings, CBS is gonna clean up!

Wednesday November 25th Adam and his band are on LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN - on CBS - airing sometime late at night - lol! Singing TWO songs and being interviewed. This is gonna be GREAT!!!


And it's HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Can we say "CONTROVERSIAL"?????

We knew Adam wasn't going to be playing it safe, that he was gonna have leather and chains, that he was gonna entertain us with an OTT performance, but MAN oh MAN did he ever pull out all the stops!!!

I thought it was awesome. The sound quality was crap, least Adam performed it live and real, not like so many others who lip-sync or have their voices worked through the Auto-Tune. Nope, Adam was loud and proud and real - and a bit pitchy, but hey, it's hard to sing when you're dragging around men on leashes, grabbing people's heads and body parts, tripping on a scaffold and doing an impromptu Ninja roll and planting a wet one on the keyboard player! LOL!

Yes, he did trip. It wasn't supposed to happen, but he pulled himself out of it like a pro.

Yes, he did grab a blindfolded dancer and do a crotch - to - face gyrate.

Yes, he did fondle the pole dancer's nether regions.

Yes, he did plant one on Tommy Joe, his STRAIGHT keyboardist/bass player - just for the heck of it!

WILD? Oh yeah. CRAZY? Hell yeah. OVER THE TOP AND BACK AGAIN? Frick yeah.

That's Rock & Roll, baby!

(and if you don't agree with me that's cool too, it's not for everyone, if you were offended Adam didn't mean to offend (he said this in an interview after the performance) and everyone has a right to their opinion.)

Want pictures????

The "finger" was NOT directed towards the audience or his fans, it was mainly directed to Aaron Hicklin, editor of OUT magazine who was whining after Adam did their interview and cover about how Adam is being controlled by his management and not able to make his own decisions and is a pawn in the AI game. Hah - showed that doofus that there wasn't a shred of truth to THAT bit of BS! It was not shown on TV, Adam only did that after the cameras were off.

And then, ABC, who broadcasts the AMA's, abruptly canceled Adam's Wednesday performance on GMA. Yes, the show was racy, but he performed at nearly 11pm - not during the family broadcast hours. And Janet Jackson, Lady Gaga and JLo did a lot of thrusting and crotch grabbing - yet that was ok. In previous years when Madonna passionately kissed Brittney that was ok. When MJ grabbed himself and practically jerked off on stage that was ok. Double standard? Oh yeah.

I'm pretty passionate about people being able to do their own thing without being banned, censored or blocked as long as what "their thing" was is not harmful to anyone. What ABC did to Adam when they abruptly canceled his appearance on GMA was wrong. Everyone is saying it was wrong. Even conservatives like Bill O'Reiley and the Parent's Television Council agree that it was WRONG to ban Adam from GMA. He didn't purposely go out to offend anyone, he was just being PASSIONATE and HAVING FUN with his performance. ABC didn't even bother to talk to Adam, his fans or THE PUBLIC before banning him and canceling his performance, he was just informed that he was canceled. And that he was unsuitable. That they were afraid that he might do something offensive on morning television. They feel he's a loose cannon and a trouble maker. I wanna cry. For real.

Adam takes a LOT of abuse, has for most of his life, about being different. Why are some people so gawd damned afraid of anyone who's different? Why do people who don't fit the mold of "average" get scorned? Ya know, when a person gets blasted over and over again for not fitting into the box that they're supposed to be in it sometimes makes them want to stand up for themselves a bit. To say "hey, I'm still a human being, I'm still valid, I still matter, I still count - and damn it, I'm a nice person if you'd just give me a blasted chance.

Thank god CBS saw through everything and said "hey, we know you're different, but we LIKE different - we ACCEPT you - welcome aboard - we WANT you!

That made me feel better.

End of rant. I haven't ranted in a couple of months. Sometimes it feels good to get things out. Yeah, I'm different too. I don't fit in the box. LOL.


So did you buy it yet?????

I bought it on iTunes, the deluxe version which includes 2 bonus songs PLUS lots of video interviews. Also bought the CD at HMV.

But I am CRYING because in Canada we can't buy the COLLECTORS EDITION which includes a hard cover book of BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS of Adam - and the text is in AMARETTO SCENTED INK!!!

I need this - but only USA residents can buy it. :-(

Anyone want to help me out? I can credit your Visa or Mastercard for the amount through my company merchant account PLUS give you $20.00 for your troubles. (gets on knees and begs) :-P

Wanna see some pics? Of COURSE you do!!!!! Here are a few from the USA only COLLECTORS EDITION (minus the Amaretto scented ink, that doesn't travel through computers, sadly)


OMG...there has been SO MUCH stuff happening with Adam lately that I haven't had time to keep up - trying to work, look after the boy, look after life essentials - and still keep up on everything - the ADAM STORM has arrived and its HUGE!!!

Album Release


Video Release

GMA canceled by ABC - Adam now on CBS's The Early Show Nov 25

Letterman on Nov 25

Public appearances and interviews EVERYWHERE

And PICTURES - OMG, so many new pictures!!!

So much happening For Our Entertainment - don't know where to begin, so I'll just start posting stuff - I have been diligent in collecting, just haven't had time to organize and post - so here we go - its a WILD RIDE that Adam is taking us on!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009


The snippets REALLY didn't do these songs justice - OMG, these are AWESOME!!!!!

Whataya Want From Me was written by Pink - but Adam puts his own signature sound to it, and it rocks.

Master Plan was written by ADAM - and the lyrics really do tell about what he's experienced and is experiencing in life.

WWFM is on the regular album, BOTH are on the Deluxe Edition. MP is only on the Deluxe edition, which can be pre-ordered on iTunes, purchased from or from - or you can wait until November 23 and buy it in stores. Can't listen to the pre-orders until the 23rd anyhow, but I've bought my Deluxe on iTunes so I'll have it as soon as its released!

I also found the lyrics - so we can SING ALONG!!!!!

You run away from everything that you fear
So afraid, don't wanna be a part of it
You see the fake in everything that is real
You hate the paradox, you put us in a box

We don't define what makes us right or wrong
Waste of time, no we're just living it
I wanna seize you, touch you one on one
Don't stop until we're done, we've only just begun

We are the face of a new generation
We are the ones who have no reservation
Don't give a damn 'bout your cold calculation
Welcome to the master plan
Don't care if you understand
Don't care if you understand
Welcome to the master plan

Your skin is burnin' at the sight of me
Your mask can't hide what you're thinking
Don't ask, don't tell, just take what you need
I'm an open book, so go on and take a look

We are the face of a new generation
We are the ones who have no reservation
Don't give a damn 'bout your cold calculation
Welcome to the master plan
Don't care if you understand
Don't care if you understand
Welcome to the master plan

There's you, there's me, I feel your energy
I hope you'll see
Things ain't what they used to be
Look at the face
Look at the face

We are the face of a new generation
We are the ones who have no reservation
Don't give a damn 'bout your cold calculation
Welcome to the master plan
Don't care if you understand
Don't care if you understand
Welcome to the master plan
Don't care if you under
Welcome to the master plan
Don't care if you understand

Hey, slow it down
Whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?
Yeah, I'm afraid
Whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?
There might have been a time
When I would give myself away
Oh once upon a time
I didn't give a damn
But now, here we are
So whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?

Just don't give up, I'm working it out
Please don't give in, I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around, hey
Whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?

There, it's plain to see
That baby you're beautiful
And there's nothing wrong with you
It's me, I'm a freak
But thanks for loving me,
'cause you're doing it perfectly
And there might have been a time
When I would have let you slip away
I wouldn't even try
But I think you could save my life

Just don't give up, I'm working it out
Please don't give in, I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around, hey
Whataya want from me? Whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me? Whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?

Just don't give up on me
I won't let you down
No, I won't ya let ya down
So wait

Just don't give up, I'm working it out
Please don't give in, I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around, hey
Whataya want from me?

Just don't give up, I'm working it out
Please don't give in, I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around, hey
Whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?

LOVING THIS!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Review: Adam Lambert's 'For Your Entertainment' glams it up greatly

Adam Graham / Detroit News Pop Music Writer

What, you expected subtlety?
Adam Lambert's "For Your Entertainment" is every bit the boffo, glam-rock, disco-pop space oddity you'd expect from the "American Idol" standout. It's a bold, assured, boot-stomping romp, and it's so over-the-top it should come packaged in a mirror ball.

For his fans, this won't come as a surprise. Lambert hit the "American Idol" stage earlier this year like a transplant from the planet Glampire: David Bowie funneled through Edward Cullen. Over the course of the show, he proved to be the most exciting "Idol" contestant in years, with a fearlessness stemming from years of stage experience and a shocking caterwaul that could strip the paint off walls.

He also demonstrated his dexterity across a number of genres, whether vamping through Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love" or quietly emoting in a beautiful rendition of Smokey Robinson's "The Tracks of My Tears." In what may have been his signature performance, he gave a psycho-sexual, Middle Eastern-influenced reading of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" that would have had the Man in Black either rolling in his grave or rolling with laughter.

He brings that same go-for-broke spirit to "For Your Entertainment," which despite sharing a name with a national chain of record stores, proves to be an apropos summation of Lambert's M.O. "Let me entertain you 'til you scraaaaay-eeeee-aaaaaaayyy-eeeeeee-aaaYYYYYYY-eeeeeee-AAAYYYYMM!" he bellows on the title track, somehow cramming every musical note into one banshee wail.

If the goal is to entertain, he succeeds, as there's rarely a dull moment on "FYE." Some moments are less effective than others -- "Aftermath" is the kind of "keep pushing on" claptrap every "Idol" album seems to be saddled with, and the album is frontloaded with one too many Gary Glitter clones -- but no one can accuse Lambert of holding back.

Credit Team Lambert for pairing him with a host of top-notch, like-minded collaborators, from Lady Gaga (who wrote the daring "Fever") and Pink (who lent a hand to "Whataya Want from Me") to the Darkness' Justin Hawkins (whose proficiency for arena rock cheese is slathered over opener "Music Again") and interstellar English rockers Muse (lead singer Matthew Bellamy wrote "Soaked").
A-list hitmakers Dr. Luke (the pulsating title track), Linda Perry (the moody, spacey "A Loaded Smile") and Max Martin (potential single "If I Had You") weigh in, as well. And Weezer's Rivers Cuomo proves an unlikely partner-in-crime on the joyful "Pick U Up," a bouncy club-rocker with walls of trickling synths laid underneath the fist-pumping chorus.

Lambert is a pot-stirrer -- the fetching spaceboy album cover is evidence of that -- and the album has an in-your-face, unapologetic sexuality. Plenty can be read into lines such as "Open your mouth and open it wide: Let the freedom begin" ("Strut"). "Fever," meanwhile, opens with, "there he goes, my baby walks so slow, sexual tic-tac-toe," which is bound to raise an eyebrow or two from "Idol's" more conservative fan base.

Lambert's greatest asset is, of course, his crazy vocal range, which can soar to dizzying heights but easily lends itself to overkill.
On the album, he displays control over his voice that he didn't on "Idol," and he doesn't over-rely on histrionics. He stays reigned in at times (such as on the electronic outer space ballad "Broken Open") and lets it go when need be.
"FYE" also sparkles with a welcome sense of humor: "My baby clothes made of leather and lace," Lambert sings amid the wild rumpus of "Sure Fire Winners," the best and most unhinged of the album's T. Rex-style glam throwdowns. And he lets out a gleeful laugh at the close of "Pick U Up," a refreshing reminder that yes, this is all meant to be fun.

It goes without saying that "For Your Entertainment" is the most poised debut from any "Idol" to date. Lambert has a vision and has successfully honed a sound that pays homage to his heroes while carving a niche for himself.

More than anything, "For Your Entertainment" bares the stamp of a born entertainer. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show.


Now you can preview 5 of Adam's new songs!!!

These clips are a bit choppy, they start in the middle and then stop and restart somewhere else in the song, but they do give a taste of what the songs are like.

My favorite of these so far is SLEEPWALKER. Maybe if I listen a bit more I'd have a different favorite, but after 2 listens I'm going with Sleepwalker.

What do you think?

AL-FYE-1.MA from Adam Bombed on Vimeo.

AL-FYE-3.WWFM from Adam Bombed on Vimeo.

AL-FYE-8.IIHY from Adam Bombed on Vimeo.

AL-FYE-9.PUU from Adam Bombed on Vimeo.

AL-FYE-11.SW from Adam Bombed on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


What a great sight to wake up to this morning!

The ADAM STORM is just beginning - the album was just released for presale last night, and within 10 hours it charts at #1 - phenomenal!

This is the DELUXE EDITION too - with the bonus tracks. Guess a lot of people are LOVING Adam!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Adam's ALBUM available for pre-order on iTunes - with BONUS TRACKS & FEATURES!

iTunes is finally getting with it and has just released the entire album of FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT for pre-order. There's the regular version plus the DELUXE VERSION, which I bought. Deluxe include 2 extra songs plus behind-the-scenes footage of the recording of the album and the photoshoots.

Here's a video promoting the album:

Go and buy it today!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Elle Magazine, TV Guide an MORE!!!!

I've got some new pictures!!!

Article from Elle Magazine, December issue (clicky to make big):

TV Guide photo - reminds me of a young Johnny Depp! (love Johnny too!)

At the RCA offices in LA:

Adam is EVERYWHERE!!! And RCA hasn't even started promoting him yet! A quote from the execs at RCA:
"RCA has high hopes for what it sees as the massive potential of the high-profile, flamboyant Lambert; the label will begin working a single next week."

GLEE is dying to have him on the show - this is what Lea Michele who plays Rachel Berry on the show had to say about Adam:
"I love Adam Lambert! I want to sing with him so badly," she said. "If they don't let me [sing with him] on the show, I would just in life. I just want to sing with him so badly. He's just such an incredible vocal performer, and I'm such a huge fan.

"I feel like I'd be getting to work out at the gym with the best trainer in the world," she continued. "You want to work out with someone who's ripped and is going to train you well. That's what I think about when I think of Adam Lambert. I just think he's awesome."

Adam will be performing at the American Music Awards on November 22nd, on Good Morning America and DAVID LETTERMAN November 25th and on ELLEN December 1st.

Don't forget the ALBUM comes out November 23rd!

SO MUCH exciting things happening for ADAM these days - and hopefully he'll begin TOURING in February or March of 2010! Am I excited????? Hell yeah!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Adam Lambert: I'm "Cool" Being Single

from Us Magazine online Tuesday November 4th

Three days after Us Magazine reported that the American Idol runner-up, 27, split from interior designer boyfriend Drake LaBry, 24, he told Us he's "cool" being single.
In fact, when his debut album, For Your Entertainment, comes out on Nov. 23, he plans to promote not only his music, but also himself. "I will date on tour," Lambert told Us at the 2012 premiere in L.A. Tuesday.

The singer told Us he is looking for someone who is "intelligent" and has "creativity and compassion."

Still, he has no ill will for his ex, whom he still says is a "very good friend" after their mutual decision to end the relationship.
"I don't really feel like there were any mistakes made," he told Us. "I feel like things evolved. Sometimes you're on the same page with somebody, and sometimes you have to get off that page and on to another one."

A source told Us that the split was all to do with timing.
"Adam is crazy busy right now getting the album done and squeezing in rehearsals," the source told Us. "They both felt this moment is too important for Adam to focus on anything else but getting this album out and having it be a huge hit."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Adam Lambert: Cool, calm and eclectic

The singer's genre-busting major label debut, 'For Your Entertainment,' drops Nov. 23, and it just might make him an American idol all over again.

By ANN POWERS, Pop Music Critic, LA Times

Kicking off another typical seven-day work week in the offices of his management company 19 Entertainment, Adam Lambert fixed his gaze on his own pretty face. Scattered across his publicist's desk were proof sheets from a photo session with the singer, who will release his debut album on RCA Records, "For Your Entertainment," Nov. 23. The shots captured Lambert in typical glam-god poses: peacock, street tough, space oddity, freaky adventurer in the boudoir of the damned.

Lambert, who in person is none of those things but rather a startlingly grounded 27-year-old radiating Southern Californian optimism, took up a red pencil and circled a frame. "This one needs a little fix here," he said, momentarily playing art director. It's all part of one big performance for Lambert as he works to resurrect rock in the new pop age.

But hold on. When such hyperbole is thrust at him -- by, say, an overly admiring pop critic who followed him closely during last year's "American Idol" contest, when he broke ground as the most successful Idol to be rock-oriented, androgynous and gay -- he lifts a ring-laden hand to brush it away.

"I want to put it out there that I don't take myself all that seriously," he said. That's one of his mantras. "The dress-up supports that; the fantasy element supports it. People want to talk about whether I have rock cred, whether I'm selling out, the theatricality, the gay stuff. . . . Chill out! And just enjoy yourself. It's not that deep."

Then he corrected himself, slightly. "Sometimes it is deep. Some of the songs on the album are," he admitted, pointing to the song "Soaked," a sweeping epic about the loneliness of one-night stands that's actually a cover of an unreleased track from Muse, and a very serious one at that. He also singled out "Broken Open," a ballad he co-wrote, which he said is about encouraging a lover to become vulnerable enough to cry.

"But sometimes it's just, 'This is hot, I feel good, this song makes me want to go get a drink and flirt with somebody and have a good time.' Good energy is just as credible as the cathartic, dark, heavy" stuff, he said. "It's just as important!"

This might be the most exciting message Lambert carries forward into one of the most intensely observed major label debuts in recent pop history. He's reminding America that rock music can be joyful, light-spirited and sublimely silly, just as pop can explore serious subjects beyond the call to hit the dance floor. And that a rock star might also like to dance.

The Lambert way

As Lambert plays the role, a rock star doesn't have to be an angry punk, a brooding post-grunge puritan or a hair-metal style macho dude in a dress. These approaches all have their purpose, but Lambert projects something different: outrageousness that's totally at peace with itself.

He does this by connecting countercultural ideas -- values he learned as a kid touring Germany in a production of "Hair," the musical that first brought rock's spirit to Broadway -- with a trouper's sense of artistic performance as work, which takes brains and a certain sharpness as well as talent.

"His No. 1 challenge, which I think he'll pass, is stay true to himself and to roll with the punches as they come," said Rob Cavallo, who has worked with artists from Green Day to the Dave Matthews Band and produced four tracks on "For Your Entertainment." "He's going to have successes. He might have people against him. Which is exactly what happened to Elvis, the Beatles, to Prince. . . . There will be controversy, and there will be opinions. If he stays true to himself he will be one of those great artists to watch over the years."

Lambert readily admits a huge debt to David Bowie, whom he describes as "my favorite," and other glam and classic rockers such as Mick Jagger and Marc Bolan of T. Rex. (More surprisingly, he repeatedly cites both Prince and Michael Jackson.) Lambert's efforts to succeed as a rocker will hinge on his ability to tap into the legacy Bowie and those others represent. His "emo" side, linking him to bands like Fall Out Boy, also helps. But it's hard to know if the rock world -- and rock radio, in particular -- will embrace him.

"When bands like Fall Out Boy and All American Rejects first came out, they got airplay on modern-rock stations," noted Leslie Fram, a rock radio veteran who's program director of New York's 101.9 RXP FM and co-host of its morning show with Matt Pinfield. "But when they crossed over to the Top 40, it was the nail in the coffin. They went over to the pop side, image-wise, and modern-rock radio wanted nothing to do with them."

Lambert's trying something even these bands didn't attempt -- to succeed in both the rock and pop camps at once. He loves his glam, but he admits that in terms of today's stars, he has more in common with Beyoncé than with Chris Daughtry.

"People look at me and immediately say, 'Oh, he's doing the musical-theater thing,' " he said. "But if you look at most female pop stars right now, how are they any less theater? Beyoncé is doing 'Single Ladies' with two girls in character shoes and leotards, doing Fosse choreography from 'Sweet Charity,' and 'West Side Story.' "

Lambert obviously learned some of his moves from his youth in the theater, but he's also always credited the friends he made through Burning Man, the annual festival of makeshift art that turns a patch of the Nevada desert into its own magic kingdom. If "Hair" introduced him to the language of the counterculture, Burning Man showed him how people spoke it every day.

"There's a community here in L.A. that's part of Burning Man," said Lambert, a San Diego native who moved to Hollywood after high school. "It's an underground community, and when I found out about it I was so much more excited about living here. The people I was meeting were a lot more interesting, more original. And happy, just happy.

"Los Angeles can be a really sad city. If you go to the clubs you meet a bunch of people trying to be actors and not fulfilling their dreams, and they're bitter and sad. . . . But in [the Burning Man] community no one cares. You're living your life, and you feel fabulous about it, and you might be doing it on $5 a day."

Lambert is certainly enjoying his bigger budget now -- especially the "expensive, beautiful and weird" clothes -- but he seems to have preserved the perspective he gained hanging out with serious bohemians.

He does know how to play the music industry game. He raided the executive suites for collaborators on "For Your Entertainment": Its songwriters include ubiquitous hit-makers Max Martin, Ryan Tedder, Linda Perry, Dr. Luke and "Idol" judge Kara DioGuardi, and his producers include big names like RedOne and Rob Cavallo.

"Adam is unusually confident in my mind but not in a pretentious way," Tedder said in an e-mail. "He has the confidence of a guy that absolutely knows who he is to the core, both musically and personally. He spent four days in Denver working with me and was as laid back and comfortable in my studio as he was being swarmed by fans when we went to dinner. For a first-time artist, he definitely had more control creatively than I've ever seen a new act given, but Adam is the kind of person that would rather not put out anything than put out something that was less than 100% his vision."

Pinfield, Fram's co-host on WRXP and a defining force within alternative rock as an MTV host during the 1990s, thinks his eclectic approach could work for Lambert. He might have a tough time on rock radio, Pinfield said, but the singer's fans might not care.

"There was a different world before, with the rock 'n' roll thing," he said. "Today, the same kids who love the Beatles and the Stones and Zeppelin could love Radiohead, and Adam Lambert. Young people today are not as worried about being genre specific."

In the studio, Lambert enlisted hot ingénues Pink and Lady Gaga as writers while securing some of that fabled rock cred by covering material by Justin Hawkins, formerly of English glam revivalists the Darkness, and Muse, a band that he loves.

"I listen to crazy, robust rock music where they sing their faces off, and soul music, which can be similar," Lambert said. "But I also listen to a lot of dance music. I love that style. I was a Paula Abdul fan, a Michael Jackson fan, a Madonna fan. When Christina Aguilera came out when I was in high school, that was a great example of someone taking the pop-dance feel but who could really sing. Pop stars have done it; it's just not a lot of guys have done it. Maybe it's a question of masculine persona."

The singer's edge

As an openly gay man during a time when that identity has become more acceptable (in the media, at least), Lambert starts with a surprising advantage over apparently straight rockers: He's expected to be in touch with his feminine side.

"I'm the gay guy pushing the straight boundaries," he said. "But that's what I did on the show! Like when I did 'Ring of Fire,' I went full-on with eye makeup, a really weird outfit and leather. The very next week, I did 'Tracks of My Tears' in a suit, looking really hetero. I was playing with my image. It wasn't that I was trying to be straight."

His playful pan-sexuality and flamboyant swagger, once qualities common to hard rockers, are now owned by the likes of Pink and Lady Gaga. Lambert understands that. He also cites Justin Timberlake as a kindred spirit, if not musically, then in terms of showmanship and fluid style.

"I think the next generation coming up is a little bit more open-minded," he said. "More accepting, more colorful, more multi-genre, multiethnic, multi-sexuality, which is more utopian. Or I think so. I hope so."

What separates Lambert from much of pop's young elite is his voice, an instrument whose timbre, power and range recalls those titans of hard rock.

"He can sing almost any note on a guitar from the lowest to highest," said Cavallo, who thinks Lambert's sense of style and soul, combined with that range, puts him in the realm of the greats. "And if you're in the studio with him and say, 'Can we get a little more dirty?' he'll go 'Waaaaah!' And then the microphone is melted and the speakers have exploded."

Lambert studied opera as a teenager, then turned away from lessons for a while. "I started rejecting the proper way to sing and I started singing," he said. "I was listening to more and more rock music and wondering, wow, how does that person do that with their voice?"

He discovered there was no name for what rock singers do. Lambert's singing, like his taste and his personal style, put him beyond a boundary.

"I met with [a vocal coach] over the summer and talked to him about it, and the funny thing was, you know when I do those little, crazy, screamy notes? He's like, 'We don't really have a way to teach that. It kind of goes outside of our box.' Those notes that sound sort of like rock-scream, no one ever taught me to do. I sort of had to teach myself. You just do it. It's just a sound you make."